TCC Library News

Thursday, July 11, 2013

July Book Swap and BookCrossing on KTUL Channel 8

Our own librarian, Adam Brennan, of Metro Campus, appeared on Good Day Tulsa on Channel 8 KTUL  to share information about an upcoming library event at TCC: the July Book Swap. He also talked about the BookCrossing, a neat tool to track books around the world.

Watch Adam's appearance for more details:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Doing Research over the 4th of July Holiday Weekend

Statue of Liberty and fireworks
You might be wondering how to continue your research with library resources while the college and the Library is closed beginning Thursday, July 4 to celebrate Independence Day. We will reopen on Monday, July 8th at 7:30 a.m. at all campuses.

Here are some research tips to help you over the weekend:

First, log into Blackboard for access to the library's online resources from your off-campus location. Select the library's tab and find the link "Library Home Page".

To find ebooks on your topic, use the library catalog's "Books" search box on the home page. To retrieve ebooks results only, use the "Limit To" drop down menu and select "electronic resources".

Also, don't forget to search our extensive online databases for full-text articles published in journals and magazines under the yellow tab "Articles Databases".

Look for magazine and journal articles with one of the general databases listed at the top of the page such as Academic Search Premier.  Examples of magazines and journals include Time, Human & Veterinary MedicineJournal of Modern Literature, Popular Science, or Rolling Stone.

You can also find scholarly articles in subject specific journal databases listed on the "By Subject" page under "Article Databases".

If you need an alternative resource to Wikipedia with authoritative publication credentials for academic research, the best library resource is  Oxford Reference Online. It is a reference database of articles from 175+ encyclopedias and dictionaries that will explain a theory or define a word. It also provides a citation for that article to use in your Works Cited or Bibliography page.

Look for additional resources on your subject or course in our subject list of Research Guides on the library's home page. The Research Guides include the best library and Internet resources compiled by TCC librarians. 

For help with your Works Cited page or essay, look at TCC's OWL for writing and citation help.

Note: the Library's chat and email service for questions will be unavailable during the holiday weekend. However, emails sent to the library after 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 3rd, will be answered on Monday, July 8th. We will be available to help you for the rest of the summer session!

Have a safe and happy 4th!