TCC Library News

Friday, January 7, 2011

Phase I Remodel is Complete at Southeast Campus

Welcome back students,
As the Spring semester gets started, make sure you visit the Southeast Campus LRC. We have made several improvements that have given the area a more light and open appearance. We have also combined our service desks to one area, so there will always been plenty of staff available to assist you. Stop by and check it out,we think you will like it. Also feel free to offer suggestions on changes that you would like to see as we continue with our improvements.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Need a Video?

Need a video? The LRC has you covered.

Multimedia is an ongoing and growing component of higher education. At TCC, every classroom is equipped to be able to show video, stream internet content or use (Gasp!) the venerable and near retired VHS cassette tape and its seemingly soon-to-be companion, the DVD. Multimedia heavy curriculum such as film studies are flourishing semester after semester.

The LRC has developed an online video scheduling form as a new way instructors may acquire the materials that they need for class. This new online form does not replace the previous methods of scheduling videos (namely, calling the department on the phone or dropping in and scheduling the materials in person), but compliments existing forms of scheduling.

If you are an instructor and you wish to try the new form for yourself, please give it a try! You can find the link to the form under the faculty tab. You will still need to know the title and barcode number of the video you want to schedule in advance. The barcode number can be found on the record page of the video you wish to schedule in the library catalog: ( ).

Have a great semester, and happy viewing!

Adam Brennan
LRC Floater